Welcome! I am a Ph.D. candidate in Public Policy at the University of Chicago. I will join Dartmouth College as an Assistant Professor of Economics in July 2024.

My research focuses on homelessness, poverty, and the effects of safety net programs, with a particular interest in the health and well-being of difficult-to-study populations. Here is a video of me discussing my work on the size and Census coverage of the U.S. homeless population at the 2023 ASSA/AEA conference and here is a clip of me discussing my work on homelessness and mortality live on the Bay Area’s KTVU news station. My CV can be found here and my Google Scholar page can be found here.

I hold an MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School and a BA from the University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy. I am originally from the small town of Tecumseh, Michigan, and prior to graduate school, I served as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer for five years with postings in Casablanca, Morocco and Karachi, Pakistan. When not working on research, you can find me running very long distances in the woods and traveling to remote and unique locations.

Email: awyse[at]uchicago[dot]edu